Punyam Poonkavanam

'Punyam Poonkavanam', the clean drive initiative of the Kerala Police in Sabarimala, spreads the message of a plastic-free Sabarimala. The volunteers on Wednesday have made this message spread among the devotees coming from other states. The plastic in the irumudikettu is littered in the premises and this has become a menace to control for the volunteers. Punyam Poonkavan wants the devotees to take back the plastic wastes back to their homes and destroy it. From the next pilgrimage season onward, stop bringing plastic in irumudikettu. They also should spread the message of not bring plastic materials in irumudikeettu among their villagers. Kerala Police's 'Punyam Poonkavanam' gives a strong message that pilgrims should not leave the plastic in the sacred garden of Lord Ayyappa. The Kerala police distributed pamphlets among the devotees with messages giving them awareness about the harm of bringing plastic to Sabarimala. The pamphlets also want devotees from...



             At least 66 children have committed suicide in Kerala since the imposing of the lockdown in the state till the end of June 2020. With schools closed and minimum chances for social interaction, children are experiencing tremendous mental stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. In this context, Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala, Sri Pinarayi Vijayan has launched a project named 'Chiri' for ensuring the wellbeing of children in Kerala. The objective of the project is to ensuring a safe and happy childhood for children during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The alarming rate of suicide among children contemplates the fact majority of the parents...